Why is DevOps failing and DevSecOps gaining popularity?

Reggie Menacherry
5 min readApr 14, 2023


DevOps has been hailed as a game-changer for software development, promising faster, more efficient delivery of high-quality software. However, despite its many advantages, DevOps is not always successful in every organization. This blog post will explore why DevOps may be failing and what organizations can do to address these issues.

  1. Lack of a clear DevOps strategy

One of the biggest reasons DevOps may fail is the lack of a clear DevOps strategy. Many organizations jump on the DevOps bandwagon without fully understanding what it entails. This can lead to a disjointed approach to DevOps, with different teams working on different tools and processes without clear direction.

To overcome this, organizations need to develop a clear DevOps strategy that outlines the goals and objectives of their DevOps initiative. This should include an assessment of the current state of their software development processes, a roadmap for adopting DevOps practices, and a plan for measuring success.

2. Resistance to change

Another common reason why DevOps may be failing is resistance to change. DevOps represents a significant shift in how software development is done, and many people resist change. This can manifest in different ways, such as a reluctance to learn new tools and processes or a lack of buy-in from senior management.

To address this, organizations need to invest in change management and communication. This includes communicating the benefits of DevOps to all stakeholders and providing training and support to help people adapt to new tools and processes.

3. Siloed teams

DevOps seeks to break down silos between development and operations teams, but this is easier said than done in practice. Many organizations still have separate development and operations teams that work in isolation. This can lead to a lack of collaboration and communication, which can hinder the effectiveness of DevOps.

To overcome this, organizations need to create cross-functional teams that include members from both development and operations. This can help promote collaboration and ensure everyone is working towards the same goals.

4. Lack of automation

DevOps relies heavily on automation to streamline the software development process. However, many organizations still rely on manual processes, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. This can slow down software delivery and increase the risk of defects.

To overcome this, organizations need to invest in automation tools and processes. This includes using tools for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), automated testing, and deployment automation. Organizations can speed up delivery and reduce the risk of defects by automating as much of the software development process as possible.

5. Lack of security considerations

Security is an increasingly important consideration in software development, but it is often an afterthought in DevOps. Many organizations focus on speed and efficiency at the expense of security, which can lead to vulnerabilities and other security issues.

To address this, organizations need to integrate security into every stage of the software development process. This includes using secure coding practices, conducting regular security testing, and incorporating security into the DevOps pipeline. By prioritizing security from the beginning, organizations can reduce the risk of vulnerabilities and other security issues.

6. Slow down the release of applications.

When security is not integrated into every stage of the software development process, vulnerabilities can be discovered late in the development cycle or even after the application has been deployed. This can result in delays as developers have to go back and fix security issues before the application can be released.

Moreover, regulatory compliance requirements are becoming increasingly stringent, and organizations must ensure that their applications meet these requirements before they can be released to the market. Failure to do so can result in penalties, legal action, and damage to the organization’s reputation. By integrating security into the DevOps pipeline, organizations can ensure that their applications meet regulatory compliance requirements and are released to the market faster. This is one of the reasons why DevSecOps, which combines DevOps and security, is gaining popularity.

5 Reasons why DevSecOps is gaining popularity because of Failing DevOps

DevSecOps is gaining popularity partly because of the shortcomings of traditional DevOps. Here are five reasons why DevSecOps is gaining popularity due to the limitations of DevOps:

  1. Lack of security considerations in DevOps

One of the primary reasons for the failure of DevOps is the lack of security considerations. DevOps focuses primarily on delivering software quickly and efficiently, often at the expense of security. DevSecOps addresses this by integrating security into the pipeline from the beginning, ensuring that security is a priority throughout the software development process.

2. Need for regulatory compliance

DevOps often fails to address regulatory compliance requirements adequately. This is especially true in highly regulated industries such as healthcare and finance. DevSecOps ensures compliance is built into the software development process, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties and legal action.

3. Cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity threats are a significant concern for organizations. DevOps often does not address security threats adequately, leaving applications vulnerable to attacks. DevSecOps incorporates security testing and vulnerability scanning into the software development process, reducing the risk of successful attacks.

4. Need for collaboration

DevOps can lead to silos between development, operations, and security teams. DevSecOps promotes collaboration between these teams, ensuring everyone works towards the same goals. This reduces the risk of miscommunications and misunderstandings that can lead to delays and errors.

5. Importance of continuous improvement

Continuous improvement is a core principle of DevOps, but it can be challenging to implement without considering security. DevSecOps ensures that continuous improvement includes security, enabling organizations to identify and address vulnerabilities in real-time and reducing the risk of future security issues.

In conclusion, DevOps is not a magic bullet to solve an organization’s software development problems. While it has many advantages, it can fail if not implemented correctly. By addressing the common reasons why DevOps may be failing, such as lack of a clear strategy, resistance to change, siloed teams, lack of automation, and lack of security considerations, organizations can increase the chances of success with DevOps.

One way to gain the skills necessary to implement DevSecOps is through EC-Council Certified DevSecOps Engineer course (E|CDE). This course covers various topics, including security concepts, secure coding practices, vulnerability management, and more. The course is designed for software developers, security professionals, and other IT professionals looking to understand DevSecOps better and how to implement it in their organizations.

The E|CDE is a lab-intensive certification program where students will spend 70% of their total class time performing the labs. The labs are designed in such a way that they simulate a real-time DevSecOps pipeline. They also demonstrate the essential tools, technologies, and procedures widely used across the DevSecOps professional community. Hence, it will provide the students with rich hands-on experience in integrating and automating security practices in the DevOps lifecycle.
• 80+ Skill-based labs
• 70% of Courseware Dedicated to Labs

This is an intensive, hands-on DevSecOps course with more than 80 online and offline labs, including 32 labs covering on-premises environments, 32 labs focused on Amazon Web Services (AWS), and 29 on Microsoft Azure.

The E|CDE course is delivered through online self-paced learning and lives instructor-led training sessions. The self-paced learning modules cover the basics of DevSecOps, including an overview of security concepts and the DevSecOps lifecycle. The instructor-led sessions allow participants to ask questions and receive guidance from experts in the field.



Reggie Menacherry

Sec+ CEH CISSP CPENT Writer Product Developer Designer Marketer Traveller Chef Artist